Distribution map of Bulbophyllum simile
Bulbophyllum simile Schltr., Orchid Monogr. 7 (1993) 141, fig. 97, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit and flower analysis, based on a-c,e,g,h Schlechter 18770 (iso AMES); d,f Hoogland 9336 (); i-j Carr 10321 (L)
Bulbophyllum erythrochilum Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 297, fig. 1138
Bulbophyllum simile Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 298, fig. 1142