Distribution map of Bulbophyllum trifilum subsp. filisepalum
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. ssp. filisepalum, Orchid Monogr. 7 (1993) 117, fig. 73, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit, column and lip, based on f-h Reeve 645 (L)
Bulbophyllum filisepalum J.J.Sm., column and lip, drawing J.J. Smith, from Janowsky 412
Bulbophyllum filisepalum J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Janowsky 412
Bulbophyllum filisepalum J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Janowsky 412 (holotype specimen BO)