Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume, coloured plate (lower right, as Ephippium grandiflorum Blume), with other New Guinea orchids, from Rumphia 4 (1849) pl. 199, photo Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz, http://orchid.unibas.ch

Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume, J.J. Vermeulen, sketch, flower analysis, based on Leiden cult. 20031714 (L)

Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume, flower details (as Ephippium grandiflorum Blume), from Rumphia 4 (1849) pl. 195, fig. 3, photo Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz, http://orchid.unibas.ch