Zeuxine parvifolia

Zeuxine parvifolia (Ridl.) Ridl. ex K.Schum. & Fedde, Just's Bot. Jahresber. 31 (1904) 786

Basionym: Hetaeria parvifolia

Slender plant, closely resembling Zeuxine clandestina Blume in habit. Stem 5 cm long. Leaves small, lanceolate, acute, nearly sessile, 2.5 by 0.63 cm, sheaths 0.63 cm long, dilated. Inflorescence slender, pubescent, 12.5 to 15 cm tall with several rather long, distant, acuminate peduncle-scales; rachis 5 cm long. Flowers very small, appressed to the stem. Bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, nearly as long as the ovary. Median sepal adnate to petals, 0.45 cm long, ovate, acuminate, pubescent. Lateral sepals 0.35 cm long, lanceolate, acute. Lip 0.36 cm long, base saccate with minute cylindrical processes inside; apex lanceolate, acute, sides at tip inrolled, forming a tube not longer than the sepals. Column short, dilated above; rostellum arms nearly as long, linear, truncate. Anther with a long narrow beak. (Mainly after Ridley, 1903)

Colours: Flower greenish tinged red-brown, lip white.

Habitat: Not known.

Flowering time in the wild: Not known.

Distribution: Malesia (Peninsular Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines), Thailand, ?Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Taiwan, Ryukyu Arch.

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea. See map: 732-156M.JPG.