Pseuderia robusta Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58 (1923) 122
Type: Schultze 230 (holo B, lost)
Shrub-like, climbing, stout. Stems and branches terete, 0.5-0.6 cm diam., many-leaved, entirely covered with the tightly clasping persistent leaf-sheaths. Leaves erect-patent, elliptic-lanceolate, 15-21 cm long, somewhat below the middle 3.5-4.2 cm wide, acuminate, several-nerved. Inflorescences short, to 4 cm long (including the flowers), 2-3-flowered; peduncle at the rather rigid base covered with a few short overlapping peduncle-scales. Floral bracts small, oblong, much shorter than the ovary. Sepals ligulate, subacute or apiculate. median sepal 1.9 cm long. Lateral sepals falcate, 1.5 cm long. Petals similar to the lateral sepals but narrower, 1.3 cm long. Lip curved, rhombic-oblong, 1 by 0.3 cm, subobtuse, at the base cuneate, minutely papillose inside, at the base with a grooved keel extending to the middle of the lip, distinctly shorter than the sepals. Column semiterete, 0.8 cm long, curved, glabrous; clinandrium widened, 3-lobed, with denticulate mid-lobe, extending beyond the basal half of the lip. Ovary slender, glabrous, 1.5 cm long. (After Schlechter, 1923)
Colours: Leaves when dried pale brown. Flower colour not recorded.
Habitat: Terrestrial in lowland forest.
Flowering time in the wild: October.
Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).
Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea. See map: 586-12M.JPG.
Cultivation: Warm growing terrestrial.