Pseuderia sepikana Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58 (1923) 123
Type: Ledermann 8293 (B, lost; BO); 8844; 9339 (syn L); 9404; 12221 (syn B, lost)
Shrub-like, climbing, strongly branched. Branches more or less patent, densely leafy, terete, entirely covered with the tightly clasping leaf-sheaths. Leaves erect-patent, obliquely elliptic-lanceolate or lanceolate-ligulate, 8-14 by 1.7-3 cm, acuminate, at the base cuneate or rounded-cuneate, glabrous. Inflorescences patent, densely few-flowered, to 3 cm long (including the flowers); peduncle short, rather rigid, at the base covered with a few small overlapping peduncle-scales. Floral bracts short, elliptic, obtuse. Sepals narrowly oblong-ligulate, obtuse, glabrous. median sepal 1.1 cm long. Lateral sepals falcate, 0.9 cm long. Petals similar to the lateral sepals but distinctly narrower, 0.9 cm long, subobtuse, glabrous. Lip curved, in outline elliptic, narrowing towards the base, 0.8 by 0.4 cm, obtuse, minutely papillose inside, at the base with two closely spaced, in front merging, glabrous keels that extend to the middle of the lip. Column extending to the apical third of the lip, 0.6 cm long, semiterete, glabrous, curved, slightly dilated towards the apex; clinandrium a little widened, denticulate. Ovary slender, 0.8 cm long, glabrous. (After Schlechter, 1923)
Colours: Flower greenish or whitish, more or less dotted and spotted with red.
Habitat: Terrestrial in lower montane forest; 10 to 900 m.
Flowering time in the wild: June, August, September.
Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).
Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea. See map: 586-13M.JPG.
Cultivation: Intermediate growing terrestrial.