Genus Adenoncos

Adenoncos Blume,
Bijdr. (1825) 381

Small monopodial epiphytes. Stem elongated, with several leaves arranged in two rows. Leaves sheathing at the base, glabrous, deciduous, duplicate, very fleshy. Inflorescence lateral, short, a raceme or carrying a single flower. Flowers small to very small, resupinate, green or yellowish. Sepals free. Petals free, narrower and often shorter than the dorsal sepal. Lip without spur, not mobile. Column-foot absent. Pollinia 4, equal-sized, solid, caudicles absent, stipe present, viscidium present.

Southeast Asia, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea. About 15 species; in New Guinea one, endemic, species [Adenoncos papuana Schltr.].

Epiphytes in lowland and hill forest.

A genus of inconspicuous little monopodial plants with rigid stems, fleshy leaves and small, often green flowers of relatively simple structure on short inflorescences.