Liparis aff. brunnescens Schltr., rachis with flower and buds, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030224

Liparis aff. brunnescens Schltr., flower, oblique front view, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030224

Liparis sp. sect. Distichae, inflorescence, flower oblique front view, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20031736

Liparis torricellensis Schltr., flower, oblique front view, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20031657

Liparis altigena Schltr., inflorescence, photo N.E.G. Cruttwell, based on Cruttwell (12/80, PNG, Mt. Gahavisuka)

Liparis aff. oligantha Schltr., habit, photo Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, based on Edinburgh cult. 691642 [Jermy 7351:3