Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm., stems with inflorescences, photo A. Schuiteman, Leiden cult. 20030142
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm., inflorescences, photo A. Schuiteman, Leiden cult. 20030142
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm., flower, oblique front view, photo A. Schuiteman, Leiden cult. 20030142
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. ssp. trifilum, Orchid Monogr. 7 (1993) 116, fig. 72, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit and flower analysis, based on a Versteeg 1511 (iso L); b,c,f,i.k Jongejan 1069 (L); d,e,h,j Bogor cult. , HLB 9223.157-875 (L); g,l L
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. ssp. trifilum, Orchid Monogr. 7 (1993) 117, fig. 73, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit and flower analysis, based on a-e Edwards 172 ()
Bulbophyllum cavistigma J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Gjellerup 828
Bulbophyllum fatuum J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Gjellerup 844
Bulbophyllum recurvimarginatum J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Docters van Leeuwen 10773
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Versteeg 1511
Bulbophyllum recurvimarginatum J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Docters van Leeuwen 10773 (holotype specimen BO)
Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Versteeg 1511 (holotype specimen BO)