Liparis anceps

Liparis anceps Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58 (1922) 65

Type: Ledermann 11310 (holo B, lost)

Epiphytical, erect, slender, to 40 cm tall. Rhizome decumbent, flexuose, rooting. Pseudobulbs distant, 2.5-3 cm apart, rarely more than 1.5 cm long, at the base ovate, narrowed above, compressed, 1-leaved. Leaf narrowly linear, 25-35 by 0.6-0.85 cm, acute, erect, slightly narrowed towards the base. Inflorescence compressed, ancipitous, almost as long as the leaf; rachis very densely many-flowered, distichous, slightly incurved, to 6 cm long. Floral bracts almost overlapping, conduplicate, lanceolate, 0.5-0.7 cm long, glumaceous, as long as the pedicellate ovary. Flowers glabrous. Sepals decurved, elliptic, 0.4 cm long, apiculate, the lateral sepals oblique. Petals erect, obliquely spathulate-ligulate, subapiculate, almost as long as the sepals. Lip knee-like bent, in front rectangular-elliptic, in the middle 3-lobed; lateral lobes (or rather the lateral swellings) oblong, obtuse, convex; apical lobe suborbicular, subapiculate-acuminate, only slightly broader than the basal half of the lip; basal callus of the lip at the base quadrangular, in front contracted, with two short swellings. Column short, at the apex contracted, in outline ovate, not extending to halfway the lip. Ovary and pedicel erect-patent, slender, 0.6-0.7 cm long, obtusely triangular in cross-section. (After Schlechter, 1922)

Colours: Flowers ochrish brown.

Habitat: Epiphyte in montane forest; 1300 m.

Flowering time in the wild: March.

Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea. See map: 416-18M.JPG.

Cultivation: Intermediate growing epiphyte.