Liparis werneri Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10 (1911) 250
Type: Werner 45 (syn B, lost); Schlechter 19077 (syn B, lost); neotype, designated by Van Royen: NGF (Millar & Van Royen) 14695 (holo L; iso BRI, LAE)
Epiphytic, erect or suberect, 25-45 cm high; rhizome very short; roots filiform, elongated, flexuose, puberulous. Pseudobulbs stalk-like, slender, somewhat compressed, at the base somewhat swollen, 3-4.5 cm long, at the base to 0.4 cm diam., 1-leaved. Leaf erect, oblanceolate-ligulate, acuminate, at the base cuneate, gradually narrowed into the petiole, glabrous, including the petiole 20-27 cm long, above the middle 1.5-2.5 cm wide; petiole somewhat compressed, to 8 cm long. Inflorescence slender, laxly many-flowered, usually as long as the leaves, curved; peduncle shorter than the rachis, angular. Floral bracts erect-patent, lanceolate or ovate, acute, shorter than the ovary. Flowers glabrous. Sepals elliptic or oblong, obtuse, 0.6 cm long. Lateral sepals oblique, slightly curved. Petals oblique, narrowly linear, obtuse, about as long as the sepals. Lip in outline linguiform, slightly curved, 1.1 cm long, bipartite to near the middle, the segments oblong-ligulate, at the apex laciniate; basal callus retuse, very small. Column glabrous, at the apex slightly incurved, 0.35 cm long, at the base laterally conspicuously dilated. Anther suborbicular, at the apex slightly retuse, glabrous. Ovary with pedicel subclavate, glabrous, 0.7 cm long. (After Schlechter, 1911)
Colours: Flowers green, lip darker and more bluish green.
Habitat: Epiphyte or terrestrial in mossy montane forest, often growing in moss cushions at the base of tree trunks in deep shade; 1200 to 3000 m.
Flowering time in the wild: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.
Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Distribution in New Guinea: Papua (Indonesia); Papua New Guinea. See map: 416-508M.JPG.
Cultivation: Cool growing epiphyte, requiring shaded position and humus-rich compost.
Notes: One of the most common species of Liparis in the moss forests on the higher mountains, and quite variable in stature. It is somewhat similar to the much less frequent Liparis schistochila, but otherwise without close allies.