Bulbophyllum globiceps Schltr. in K.Schum. & Lauterb., Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee (1905) 203
Type: Schlechter 14391 (holo B, lost)
Epiphyte, to 20 cm high. Rhizome very short. Roots filiform, elongated, flexuose, glabrous. Pseudobulbs very small, gibberiformibus; 1-leaved. Leaves erect, oblanceolate-spathulate, obtuse; base gradually narrowed into a petiole, including the petiole 6-13 by 1.2-2 cm above the middle. Inflorescence slender, erect or ascending, terete, glabrous, c. 20 cm long; sheaths few, distant, acuminate; raceme globose, short subcapitate, curved, densely many-flowered. Floral bracts minute, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, shorter than the shortly pedicellate ovary. Flowers rather small in the genus. Median sepal oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, 0.3 cm long. Lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, oblique, glabrous, almost as long as the median one. Petals obliquely oblong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, glabrous. Lip somewhat fleshy, oblong, obtuse, 0.2 cm long; base somewhat narrowed, subauriculate-lobed; above papillose-dotted; margins recurved; underneath glabrous. Column short;stelidia subulate, erect, more than twice as long as the anther. Anther cucullate, dorsally at the apex grooved, in front shortly notched. Ovary and the short pedicel, 0.2 cm long, subclavate, glabrous. (After Schlechter, 1905)
Colours: Flower dark purple.
Habitat: Epiphyte in lowland forest; 0-1200 m.
Flowering time in the wild: April, May, September, December.
Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).
Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea; see map 96-733M.jpg.
Cultivation: Warm growing epiphyte.