Agrostophyllum elongatum (Ridl.) Schuit., in situ, photo A. Schuiteman, Lake Kutubu, PNG
Agrostophyllum elongatum (Ridl.) Schuit., top of stem with inflorescence, photo E.F. de Vogel
Agrostophyllum elongatum (Ridl.) Schuit., flowers, front view, photo E.F. de Vogel, from Leiden cult.
Agrostophyllum elongatum (Ridl.) Schuit., drawing N.H.S. Howcroft 280, from Lae
Agrostophyllum elongatum (Ridl.) Schuit., drawing A. Schuiteman in Orchid Monogr. 8 (1997) fig. 1
Agrostophyllum costatum J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, from Bogor cult. (Exp. Lorentz, Djibdja 205) s.n.
Agrostophyllum costatum J.J.Sm., from Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 102, fig. 381
Agrostophyllum costatum J.J.Sm. var. concavum Schltr., from Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 102, fig. 382
Agrostophyllum costatum J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Bogor cult. s.n. (Exp. Lorentz, Djibdja 205), holotype specimen (BO)