(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., stems with flowers, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 2960

(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., flower detail, centre of flower, lateral sepal and petal removed, lateral view, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 2960

(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., plant habit, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1176

(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., inflorescence, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1176

(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., flower, lateral view, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1176

(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., flower, oblique front view, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1176

(STEREO) Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., flower detail, column and lip, oblique lateral view, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1176

Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., Orchid Monogr. 7 (1993) 178, fig. 134, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit and flower analysis, based on a,i Kalkman 4395 (L); b LAE 68001 (Croft et al.) (); c,k Vink 17002 (L); d Jongejan 1172 (L); Reeve 1072 (L);

Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., Orchid Monogr. 7 (1993) 178, fig. 133, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit and flower analysis, based on Reeve 1015 (L)

Bulbophyllum subalpinum P.Royen, Alp. Fl. New Guinea 2 (1979) 180, fig. 69, P. van Royen, drawing, based on Brass 9229 (holo L; iso AMES, BM, BO)

Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 243, fig. 924

Bulbophyllum ferruginescens Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 243, fig. 923

Bulbophyllum govidjoae Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 241, fig. 918

Bulbophyllum imitans Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 242, fig. 919

Bulbophyllum kempterianum Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 242, fig. 922

Bulbophyllum microcharis Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 240, fig. 914

Bulbophyllum pallidiflavum Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 242, fig. 920

Bulbophyllum perlongum Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 243, fig. 925

Bulbophyllum uduense Schltr., floral analysis, R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 242, fig. 921

Bulbophyllum ferruginescens Schltr., detail of herbarium sheet, Schlechter 17352 (syntype specimen K), photo copyright the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Bulbophyllum ferruginescens Schltr., herbarium sheet, Schlechter 18989 (syntype specimen K), photo copyright the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew