Bulbophyllum catillus J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne, Gard. Bull. Singapore 55 (2003) 148, fig. 11
Type: Jongejan cult. 614 (holo L), from Papua New Guinea
Rhizome 5-7 mm diam., sections between pseudobulbs 5-7 cm long, bract fibres rather thick, persistent. Pseudobulbs ovoid, 1.5-2 by 0.8-1.2 cm. Petiole 2-2.5 cm. Leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 11-12.5 by 5.2-6.5 cm, index (length/width) 1.9-2.3; rounded. Flowers moderately opening. Median sepal recurved with slightly incurved top part, elliptic to obovate, 21-31 by 8-12 mm, index 2.2-2.9; acute to shortly acuminate, base rather narrowly attached. Lateral sepals free, recurved but converging and (almost) touching towards the tip, ovate to triangular, 20-28 by 9-16 mm, index 1.7-2.2; base widely attached; otherwise as the median sepal. Petals spreading to reflexed, elliptic to obovate, 20-26 by 5.5-8 mm, index 3.2-3.8; (sub-)acute, base narrowly attached. Lip recurved c. half-way, wide and elliptic with a narrow, drawn-out, linguiform top part, 10-11 by 6-7 mm, index 1.4-1.9 (all without artificial spreading); rounded, margins regularly rounded above the base when the lip is observed in lateral view; thin proximally but with a thick top part; adaxially concave near the base, convex towards the tip; abaxially with a retuse ridge nearly up to the top of the lip, top part somewhat concave. Column 7-9 mm long, slightly sigmoid in profile, stigma without teeth at the base, column foot without ridges. Stelidia porrect, triangular, 1.5-2 mm long, obtuse, without tooth along the lower margin. (After Vermeulen, ms.)
Colours: Flowers yellowish green to bright yellow. Lip sometimes suffused with brownish red towards the tip.
Habitat: Epiphyte in mangrove.
Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).
Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea; see map 96-2216M.jpg.