Bulbophyllum guttatum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 745
Type: Schlechter 20234 (holo B, lost)
Roots along the entire rhizome. Rhizome 2-5 mm diam., sections between pseudobulbs 7-17 cm long, bract fibres hardly persistent, thin. Pseudobulbs distant, about cylindrical, 1-4 by 0.3-0.7 cm. Petiole 2-6 cm. Leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 11.5-29 by 3-6.5 cm, index (length/width) 2.7-6.5; acute. Inflorescence + patent, 2.5-8 cm long, 1-flowered. Peduncle 0.4-5.5 cm, bracts 4-5, the longest 8-18 mm long. Floral bracts ovate, 8.5-13 by 6-10 mm, acute. Flowers resupinate, not fully opening. Pedicel and ovary 16-23 mm long, basal node + flush with the surface of the rachis, or on an up to c. 0.2 mm long stump, ovary ribs rounded, straight. Median sepal + porrect, ovate, 13.5-23 by 6-10.5 mm, index 2.1-2.4; acuminate, margins entire, base rather broadly attached; rather thin; glabrous. Lateral sepals free, oblique, recurved, (ovate-)triangular, 13-22 by 10-13 mm, index 1.3-1.6, acute to acuminate, otherwise as the median sepal. Petals + porrect, elliptic to obovate, 11.5-14 by 5.5-10 mm, index 1.4-2.4; acuminate to cuspidate (cauda up to 1 mm long), margins entire, base rather narrowly attached; rather thin, glabrous. Lip recurved, ovate, 8-13 by 4-9 mm, index 1.4-2.4 (all without artificial spreading); truncate to rounded, margins entire; very thick; adaxially concave near the base, with 2 distinct, parallel, narrow, obtuse ridges over most of the length of the lip, top part convex, surface + smooth but ridges shortly and densely papillose to pubescent proximally; abaxially with a retuse median ridge up to 2/3 of the length of the lip, surface smooth. Column 2.5-5 mm long, stigma inside with three keels, at its base without teeth, column foot without tooth just above the ligament. Stelidia triangular, 0.5-1.5 mm, rounded to acute, with or without a minute, antrorse, deltoid, subacute tooth along the upper margin, lower margin with a patent to somewhat retrorse, triangular, obtuse tooth c. half-way the column or slightly below. (After Vermeulen, ms.)
Colours: Leaves dark (olive) green. Sepals and petals yellowish green, green, or olive green with reddish purple spots and, sometimes, veins. Lip purplish red, or lip whitish, densely spotted with purplish red except abaxially near the base. Column yellowish green, foot pale purple with a few darker spots.
Habitat: Epiphyte in lower montane forest; 210-1300 m.
Flowering time in the wild: January, February, March, September, October, November, December.
Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).
Distribution in New Guinea: Papua (Indonesia); Papua New Guinea; see map 96-770M.jpg.
Cultivation: Intermediate growing epiphyte.