Bulbophyllum schuitemanii

Bulbophyllum schuitemanii J.J.Verm., Nordic J. Bot. 26 (2008) 143, fig. 9

Type: Schuiteman, Mulder & Vogel 52 (holo L), from PNG, Lake Kutubu

Roots sprouting near the base of the rhizome, growing backwards along it until reaching the substrate. Rhizome up to 40 cm long, 1.7-2 mm in diameter, sections between pseudobulbs 1.4-2 cm long, patent to pendulous, bracts persistent. Pseudobulbs 0.9-1.2 by 0.25-0.3 cm distant, ovoid. Leaves: petiole 0.4-0.5 cm long; blade 3.5-5.3 by 1.2-1.7 cm, ovate, index (length/width) 2.8-3.3, acute, distinctly convex proximally. Inflorescence c. 1 cm long, 1-flowered; peduncle c. 0.3 cm long, porrect; non-floriferous bracts 3, the longest c. 3.2 mm long; floral bract c. 2.8 mm long, tubular, acute. Flowers widely opening. Pedicel-with-ovary c. 5 mm long, basal node on a c. 1 mm long stump. Dorsal sepal c. 6 by 2.3 mm, index c. 2.6, spreading, ovate-triangular, acute, margins entire, base broadly attached, thick, surface glabrous. Lateral sepals c. 6 by 2.4 mm, index c. 2.5, free, otherwise as the dorsal sepal. Petals c. 0.6 by 2 mm, index c. 0.3, porrect or somewhat recurved, with a narrow seam along the side of the column margins entire, surface glabrous; with two types of stalked, papillose appendages along the top margin; the first thick, flattened-ovoid to conical, 3-4.5 by 0.3-0.4 mm, obtuse, abruptly narrowed into a thread-thin, smooth stalk 0.5-1 mm long, the second type stalk-like, subulate with a slightly and gradually thickened top, altogether c. 1 mm long; total number of appendages 13, more or less divided into two groups, one along the upper and one along the lower edge of the petal, each group consisting of 6 thick appendages, and one stalk-like appendage in between the groups. Lip c. 2.8 by 1.2 mm, index c. 2.3, recurved near the base, more or less oblong, rounded, margins entire, thick; adaxially with the margins spreading proximally, concave in between, the margins converging over the proximal surface as obtuse ridges at about quarter of the length of the lip, there clasping two more, weaker ridges running alongside a median slit, and fusing pair-wise, the median slit continuing over three quarters of the length of the lip; adaxial surface convex distally, finely papillose, most distinctly so half-way near the margins; abaxially shallowly concave half-way, convex distally with a shallow median furrow, surface finely papillose except near the base. Column c. 2 mm long; stigma transversely elliptic, without keels inside; foot not widened distally; stelidia c. 0.7 mm long, falcate, triangular, acute, upper margin erose, with a small, patent, deltoid, obtuse tooth along the lower margin; anther-cap abaxially with a crest proximally, surface more or less glabrous, front margin drawn out into a retuse beak; pollinia 4, more or less ellipsoid, somewhat flattened, the inner minute; no appendages. (After Vermeulen, 2008)

Colours: Sepals yellow, petal appendages greenish brown, lip dark brownish purple.

Habitat: Epiphyte in hill forest; 900 m.

Flowering time in the wild: September.

Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea; see map 96-2331M.jpg.