Bulbophyllum tinekeae

Bulbophyllum tinekeae Schuit. & de Vogel, J. Orchideenfreund 12 (2005) 377, fig., pl.

Type: Jongejan cult. 670 (leg. P. Jongejan, A. Schuiteman & A. de Wilde) 670 (holo L, spirit mat.), from Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands Prov., Mt. Lutafe, Unggai Mountains near Goroka

Rhizome much elongated, pendulous, branching, covered with overlapping sheaths; roots wiry, mostly appressed to the rhizome. Pseudobulbs 1.8-2.5 cm apart, cylindrical, slightly thickened towards the base, 1.8-2.8 by c. 0.4 cm, 1-leaved. Leaf very shortly abruptly petiolate, broadly ovate-elliptic, 4-5 by 2.5-2.9 cm, coriaceous, apex acute. Inflorescences arising from rhizome, very short, 1-flowered. Peduncle not seen. Floral bract tubular, 5.5 mm long, apex subacute. Pedicel c. 3 mm long, ovary terete, weakly 6-ribbed, straight or curved near apex, c. 12 mm long, glabrous. Flowers resupinated, c. 1.4 cm across. Sepals outside scattered furfuraceous. Median sepal broadly ovate, 8.5 by 7.8 mm, apex acute-acuminate, 7-veined, strongly concave. Lateral sepals free, obliquely broadly ovate-elliptic, 10 by 12 mm, apex rounded, apiculate, c. 9-veined, convex. Petals obliquely oblong, glabrous, with three appendages, 4 by 1.4 mm excluding the appendages, convex; appendages highly mobile, attached to a c. 0.9 mm long very thin thread, unequal, very finely papillose all over; the largest appendage attached at the apex of the petal, 6 mm long, in the basal 1.7 mm cylindrical, in the apical 5.3 mm flattened, suborbicular, concave, 2.8 mm wide, abruptly narrowed into the 1.3 mm long cuspidate apex; the second largest appendage attached at 0.8 mm below the apex on the margin facing the median sepal, 4.7 mm long, in the basal 1.2 mm cylindrical, in the apical 3.5 mm flattened, concave, ovate, 1.8 mm wide, gradually narrowed into the cuspidate apex; the smallest appendage attached at 1.7 mm below the apex on the margin facing the lateral sepal, 4.5 mm long, in the basal 1.3 mm cylindrical, in the apical 3.2 mm flattened, concave, narrowly ovate-triangular, 1.4 mm wide, gradually narrowed into the cuspidate apex. Lip very fleshy, 3.8 by 2.5 mm, mobile, attached to the column-foot by a short, broader than long, strap-shaped ligament; on the underside with a median groove, almost spherical except for the very base and the short apical projection, almost entirely covered with fine papillae; on upper side glabrous, concave, in basal part with erect margins, auriculate-rounded on either side at the base, channelled from the base to just below the apex, in the apical part in the channel with c. 7 pits and a short transverse groove on either side of each pit, apex of lip shortly rostrate, 0.5 mm long, rounded-truncate. Column 3.7 mm long, very thick, with almost quadrangular apical wings and with two very slender, almost wiry, subulate, 1.6 mm long stelidia arising from the lower corner of the wings; stigma relatively long, narrowly hemi-oblong with swollen lower margins; column-foot simple, 1.3 mm long, slightly bilobed at the apex. Anther helmet-shaped, in front with a short protruding, upcurved rim, 1.3 by 1.2 mm, smooth and glabrous. Pollinia 4 in two pairs, obliquely broadly ovate in lateral view, laterally flattened, those of a pair strongly unequal, the largest 1 mm long, the shortest 0.6 mm long. Fruit not seen. (After Schuiteman & de Vogel, 2005)

Colours: Sepals light green, very finely spotted light purple. Petals whitish, appendages light brown, yellowish to the base. Lip greenish white, in front flushed pink, flattened apical part deep red. Column white, apical margins, wings and stelidia deep wine-red. Anther pinkish with red spots, apex very deep purplish red.

Habitat: Epiphyte in montane forest and on isolated trees; 2100-2250 m.

Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua New Guinea; see map 96-2227M.jpg.