Calanthe pullei

Calanthe pullei J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 2, 13 (1914) 55

Type: Pulle 367 (holo L)

Pseudobulbs c. 4-leaved. Leaves long petiolate, narrowly lanceolate, gradually very long and very narrowly acuminate, sharply acute, base gradually narrowed in the petiole, margins irregularly finely erose, nerves 3, strong, dorsally prominent, with a smaller nerve on either side, when dried papyraceous, 45-6o cm long, 3.6-4.4 cm wide; petiole channelled, ribbed-nervose, with a short tubular sheath, 18-35 cm long. Inflorescence axillary, erect, stout, many-flowered, peduncle puberulous, 90 cm long, with c. 5 appressed, triangular, acute, furfuraceous and puberulous, 1.7-2.8 cm long, small scales, of which the lower ones are tubular at the base; rachis velutinous, [when immature] 9 cm long. Floral bracts persistent, reflexed, oblong-triangular, to 1.4 cm long, 0.57 cm wide, obtuse, concave, furfuraceous-puberulous, 5-nerved, outer nerves short. Sepals inside sparsely, at the base densely appressed blackish-brown pubescent, dorsally velutinous-puberulous. Median sepal elliptic, obtuse, concave, 5-nerved, 1.2 cm long, 0.55 cm wide. Lateral sepals obliquely subovate-oblong, obtuse, at the base along the inner margin rounded-notched, recurved, forming an obtuse, almost straight tooth, clasping the base of the spur, concave, 5-nerved, 1.2 by 0.6 cm. Petals obliquely sublinear, somewhat dilated towards the apex, 1.2 by 0.3 cm, obtuse, inside sparsely brown puberulous, dorsally especially in the basal part sparsely furfuraceous-puberulous, 3-nerved, mid-rib dorsally grooved. Lip simple, spurred, for 0.6 cm adnate to the column, underneath with a longitudinal groove; blade transversely angular-subelliptic, subreniform, at the apex broadly bilobed, with a broad, thick, truncate lobule in the broad sinus, base shortly bilobed, with the halves rounded-triangular, in the basal part with 5 high, parallel, longitudinal, closely spaced, in front smaller and warty-interrupted calli that not reach the apex of the lip, on either side, the margins excepted, sparsely blackish brown furfuraceous-pilose, lip when flattened 1.55 cm wide, the lobules 1 cm long; spur incurved, sigmoid, below cylindrical, above clavate-dilated, dorsally compressed and distinctly obtusely bilobed, velutinous-puberulous, 1.3 cm long. Column along its entire length adnate to the lip, contracted at the base, the sides puberulous, 0.6 cm long, rounded at the apex, convex, stigma-lobes long surpassing the apex, parallel, obliquely oblong-quadrangular, obtuse, outside convex, clinandrium deeply concave. Anther cucullate, triangular, obtuse, base retuse, 0.27 cm wide. Pollinia 8, unequal, obliquely clavate, including the viscidium 0.26 cm. Rostellum bipartite, fork-shaped, the lobules incurved, almost boat-shaped, obtuse. Ovary pedicellate sigmoid, 6-grooved, velutinous, when not flattened 1.4 cm long. (After Smith, 1915).

Colours: Flower green.

Habitat: Terrestrial in lowland forest. Altitude 80 m.

Flowering time in the wild: Not known

Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua (Indonesia). See map: 101-278M.JPG

Cultivation: Warm growing terrestrial, keep in shade.