Liparis pullei

Liparis pullei J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 2, 13 (1914) 56

Type: Pulle 272 (syn BO); Römer, von 1335 (syn BO)

Rhizome short, densely rooting. Pseudobulbs closely spaced, elongated, linear, at the base slightly dilated, in cross-section narrowly rhombic, ribbed, 4.25-9.5 cm long, at the base 0.85-1.2 cm wide, 1-leaved, at the base initially with distichous, conduplicate, acutely acuminate, keeled, up to 4.5-7 cm long sheaths that become larger upwards. Leaf erect, lanceolate, at the apex gradually pointed, at the base gradually long narrowed, conduplicate and in passing into the pseudobulb, mid-rib grooved above, keeled below, on either side with two dorsally prominent nerves, subcoriaceous, 20-44 cm long, 3-7.5 cm wide. Inflorescence shorter than the leaf, laxly several-flowered; spathe conduplicate, sharply acute, keeled, 3.5 cm or more long; peduncle ribbed, 10-13 cm or more long; rachis ribbed, 3.5-7.5 cm or more long. Floral bracts patent, appressed to the pedicel, linear-triangular, acute, concave, to 1.2-1.6 cm long, the upper ones much smaller. Flowers large for the genus. Sepals and petals reflexed, with strongly revolute margins, linear. Median sepal narrowly lanceolate, gradually narrowed towards the apex, subobtuse, 3-nerved, 1.43 by 0.35 cm. Lateral sepals obliquely narrowly lanceolate, at the apex narrowed, obtuse, dorsally near the apex keeled and shortly obtusely apiculate, 3-nerved, 1.43 by 0.4 cm. Petals obliquely linear, obtuse, 1-nerved, 1.48 by 0.1 cm. Lip large, shortly clawed, at the base through a semiorbicular thickening adnate to the column, above the base with a small, quadrangular, in front truncate callus, channelled in the middle, at the base 5-nerved, transversely elliptic, when flattened 1.4 by 1.8 cm, minutely obtusely apiculate, with crenulate margins except at the base, mid-rib quite prominent below. Column short, slightly curved, 3-ribbed (dorsally and along the sides), in front longitudinally deeply concave, at the base distinctly dilated and with the convex-thickened margins forming two tail-like processes that diverge towards the base, at the base between the tails adnate to the lip, at the apex slightly notched-truncate, 0.47 cm long, at the base 0.27 cm wide; clinandrium concave; rostellum obtuse, slightly retuse; stigma subquadrangular, with the lower margins elongated and recurved. Anther cucullate, incurved, in outline ovate, at the base slightly notched-truncate, at the apex shortly prolonged and contracted, truncate, 0.12 cm wide. Pollinia 4, oblong, unequal, the inner ones a little longer and narrower than the outer ones. Ovary pedicellate, , 6-grooved, thinner than the column, 2-2.25 cm long. (After Smith, 1915)

Colours: Flowers brown with green column.

Habitat: Epiphyte or terrestrial in lowland forest; 100 to 750 m.

Flowering time in the wild: February, September, November, December.

Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua (Indonesia). See map: 416-393M.JPG.

Cultivation: Warm growing epiphyte or terrestrial, keep in shaded position.