Taeniophyllum manubrioliferum

Taeniophyllum manubrioliferum J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 14 (1929) 505, pl. 87, fig. 144

Type: Thomsen 808 (holo BO, spirit material)

Stem short, covered with scales; roots elongated, laterally flattened, 30 cm long, to 0.4 cm wide. Inflorescences laxly many-flowered, producing flowers for a long time; peduncle filiform, glabrous, 9.75 cm long, with a few tubular scales; rachis flexuose, 6 cm long, internodes flattened in the direction of the flower, 0.18-0.2 cm long. Floral bracts distichous, patent, with the upper margin widely patent, clasping the rachis, triangular, concave, glabrous, dorsally 0.13 cm long, obtusely keeled, the keel extended beyond the apex. Median sepal lanceolate, gradually long narrowed towards the apex, tip narrowly obtuse, dorsally apiculate, 3-nerved, 0.97 by 0.25 cm. Lateral sepals lanceolate, concave, 3-nerved, more than 1 cm long, 0.22 cm wide. Petals at the base obliquely subovate-lanceolate, long-narrowed, thin, concave, ciliolate except at the apex, 3-nerved, more than 1 cm long, 0.24 cm wide. Lip elongated, spurred, 3-lobed, including the spur 1.25 cm long; blade porrect, concave, dorsally convex, when flattened in outline ovate, acuminate, 0.9 cm long, hypochile transversely elliptic, 0.26 by 0.5 cm, at the base near the mouth of the spur with two very small longitudinal calli, in front of the calli slightly thickened, 5-nerved, the outer nerves branched; lateral lobes erect, at the base broad, slightly rounded, at the apex slightly projecting, somewhat angular; mid-lobe porrect, ovate, concave, at the apex long acuminate-conduplicate with the sides connate, laterally flattened-subulate, 0.64 by 0.34 cm, the subulate part 0.33 cm long; spur making an acute angle with the ovary, incurved, clavate, especially in the basal part laterally flattened, at the apex in front rounded-inflated, obtuse, 0.36 cm long. Column very short, thick, truncate, up to the apex of the rostellum slightly more than 0.1 cm long; clinandrium transversely elliptic, concave; stigma lobes narrow, concave; rostellum in front in bifid, the segments porrect, falcate-triangular, somewhat fleshy. Anther cucullate, slightly more than 0.1 cm long, at the base rounded-quadrangular, slightly 4-lobulate, beak rather long, triangular, acute, convex. Pollinia obliquely obovate, outside convex, inside flat, 0.03 cm long; stipe spathulate, at the base very thin, dilated into a broadly rhombic, rounded blade, 0.1 cm long; viscidium narrow. Ovary 6-grooved, 0.55 cm long. (After Smith, 1929)

Colours: Flower yellow.

Habitat: Epiphyte in lowland forest; 20 m.

Flowering time in the wild: August.

Distribution: Malesia (New Guinea).

Distribution in New Guinea: Papua (Indonesia). See map: 676-125M.JPG.

Cultivation: Warm growing epiphyte.